Category: Soapbox

Alternative Engines - Posting on Canard Aviators forum from 2003

by Graham Email

This is a posting that I wrote on the Canard Aviators Forum in the Summer of 2003, as part of what is a regular series of debates about Auto vs. Aero engines for experimentals: Here are the key factors that I think we all have to consider when evalua… more »

The Story of N3R and why I have no time for the Boston Globe

by Graham Email

On 3rd August 2002, N3R, a modified Long-EZ on extended loan to NOAA for air sampling, crashed into the sea off Martha's Vineyard. The plane was being flown by Tim Crawford, a highly experienced pilot who had flown N3R hundreds of times on all sorts of m… more »

NTSB Accident Reports sometime scare me...

by Graham Email

...Not because of what they tell me about my plane, but because of what they tell me about some of my fellow pilots. Here is another report of a pilot who became a statistic. his medical condition history and tell me, would you accept a rid… more »

...and on Misinformation about Washington DC incursion...

by Graham Email

...step forward Fox News (forgive me while I feign surprise). Seems like Fox has to engage in the most peurile rabble-rousing imaginable. I will be interested to see what the Fox response is to the AOPA president, but I'm not holding my breath waiting fo… more »

Watch for more misinformation...

by Graham Email

Following the alarm this morning in Washington DC caused by a Cessna 150 entering prohibited airspace, we can expect to see yet more alarmist nonsense in the media about air attacks. Let's put this into perspective. The normal maximum gross weight for… more »

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