Categories: Current Affairs, Legal Nonsense, Mainstream Media Narcolepsy, War on Christmas, Why my God is better than your God (or your non-God)

The Sen. Vitter crash-and-burn spectacle

by Graham Email

Sen. David Vitter held a press conference and wheeled out his wife to sit by him for a public show of support. Her body language said more than his words did. To say that she is gutted and deeply uncomfortable is an understatement. It is interesting ho… more »

I finally decided to write a letter to Speaker Pelosi...

by Graham Email

...telling her how disappointed I am that the Democratic Party in Congress is spinning its wheels on oversight. Here is what I wrote: Dear Madame Speaker, I was pleased that the current session of Congress commenced with a solid Democratic majority… more »

Congress has a lower rating than the President...

by Graham Email

..according to this poll. While some of the poll results are being witheld for "marketing reasons" (i.e. the polling organization is drip-feeding the results to get more publicity), a rating of 24% Yes and 76% No to the question "Do you approve or disapp… more »

The future of the current Republican system of government in the USA...

by Graham Email lies within the orbit of the House Of Representatives. Today Harriet Miers, a former advisor to President Bush, failed to attend a House Judiciary Committee meeting. She had been served a subpoena to appear before the Committee. The White House… more »

Ah, the stench of hypocrisy....

by Graham Email in the air, as the release of the phone records of Jane Palfrey, the alleged D.C., entrepreneur, has claimed it's first scalp: Sen. David Vitter (R-La). Here is his grovelling press release: WASHINGTON - Sen. David Vitter, R-La., apol… more »

Modern politics - the entitlement complex of incumbents

by Graham Email

One of the more obvious changes (and not for the better) in modern politics in the USA is the tendency for elected representatives, over time, to increasgingly convey that they have the job for life, and that electors are merely a peasky bunch of people… more »

Happy 4th July...

by Graham Email all my friends, past and present family and future friends in my adopted country. (Mind you, I think that the UK should also celebrate 4th July as the day when we got rid of an uppity bunch of colonials...). The weather here in Texas continues to… more »

An article which explains why a gas price boycott won't work

by Graham Email

...and which provides some context in order to explain why gasoline prices continue to rise in the USA. more »

Posting about new values

by Graham Email

I don't normally lift an entire blog posting, but sometimes you find one that is so cogently and concisely written that you can't plausibly edit it down to quote blocks. Here is one from Daniel Conover: I spent the weekend at a gathering of what might b… more »

The wonders of collusion and hypocrisy...

by Graham Email

...are indeed interesting to behold, especially when it involves my Congresscritter Pete "The Bankruptcy Bill is a splendid idea" Sessions. Sessions' district was redrawn in 2003 (with assistance from that beacon of probity Tom DeLay) to ensure that an… more »

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