Categories: Current Affairs, Legal Nonsense, Mainstream Media Narcolepsy, War on Christmas, Why my God is better than your God (or your non-God)

Post-election reflections: What Next?

by Graham Email

With the Democratic Party now holding a majority in the House of Representatives, and the Senate still tied (but very likely to swing to the Democratic Party, unless a recount in VA ends up favoring the Republican candidate), it is time to wonder what th… more »

Suing spammers and robocallers in Small Claims court

by Graham Email

This website documents the difficulties of suing people who swamp you with unsolicited mail or phone calls. It seems that many judges who preside over Small Claims hearings either do not know the law or choose to interpret it inconsistently and capriciou… more »

Another helping of bigoted judgemental nonsense...

by Graham Email

..courtesy of Texas governor Rick Perry. Not content with operating as a the resident doofus in Austin since 2000, Mr. Perry seems to think that people need to be reminded of his own personal religious worldview in order that they (presumably) can determ… more »

An interesting article at Pressthink

by Graham Email

This article provides an interesting insight into the tactics adopted by the new Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, when dealing with the media in Canada. What the article makes clear is that Harper is engaging in a series of actions designed to… more »

I donated $50 to Ned Lamont's campaign today

by Graham Email

Lamont is engaged in a contest (as the Democratic candidate) to attempt to replace Sen. Joseph Lieberman in CT. Lieberman is running as an Independent, but is running a duplicitous. mendacious campaign long on obfuscation, arrogance and condescension and… more »

If you want to see what "cut and run" really looks like...

by Graham Email

...then read Michael Schiavo's account of his experiences at a public meeting. Contrary to what the GOP would have you believe, the Democratic Party are not the leaders in the execution of "cut and run". UPDATE - A video is now available on YouTube t… more »

End of hiatus

by Graham Email

I have not been posting to any of my blogs for a while. This is because, sadly, I have been in the process of getting divorced. This has been a matter of personal distress for me, and I have been undergoing a lot of changes in my life as a result, some o… more »

As a member of the "Reality-based community"...

by Graham Email

...I occasionally feel this deep need to bother people with facts, instead of the noxious soup of flim-flam, assertions, propaganda and falsehoods that pass for news today in the USA. John Mueller provides a cogent reality-check about the likely nature… more »

Irony and Satire are sometimes the only way...

by Graham Email get across your message when it appears that the current media reporting and political climate in the USA relies to a significant extent on passing off exaggerations and falsehoods as truth. ABC (a subsidiary of Disney Corporation) is about to sho… more »

Here is a hair-raising tale...

by Graham Email

Theresa Dobbs happens to be Marsha's guitar teacher...this is what happens when The System gets confused. I would not wish this sort of ordeal on anybody, and I hope that somebody somewhere in The System is held accountable (although I am not holding my… more »

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