Categories: Maintenance and Improvements, Braking system, Don't Do This..., Intercom Replacement, Oil Consumption, The Cabin Heating Saga, The Cooling Saga, The Nosedragger Club, True Confessions aka I Have Been A Fool

On-board music improvement - iPod music center

by Graham Email

Last year, I finally got around to installing a stereo intercom. This allows for music to be played in both headsets during flight, with an audio mute triggered from the radio for ATC etc. I already had a Lightspeed 3G headset which has a direct music s… more »

Sometimes one is pleasantly surprised...

by Graham Email aviation engine behaviour. Once upon a time, I experienced a stuck valve which ended up costing me $11000 (ouch!). This was after the engine had not run for 6 months due to work pressures and some niggling squawks which prevented me from doing any f… more »

Gear leg fairings are installed...

by Graham Email

After a number of stops and starts due to work pressures, I finally finished applying 4 coats of Smooth Prime to the newly-installed gear leg fairings last Sunday. These are the fairings that Klaus Installing the fairings will be documented here in mor… more »

Gearing up for a bunch of work on the plane...

by Graham Email

I have decided to "go for it" big-time on a bunch of plane improvements, with help from Jesse. I have been trying to work out when to do the work, and decided that there is no time like the present. So, starting this week, 131JF is going to acquire:… more »

I have returned from Seattle...

by Graham Email

...where the weather was pretty poor most of the reminded me very much of Manchester, where I went to college in the UK. A lot of dull, overcast days with light rain or drizzle. Tomorrow (Sunday) I will be re-activating the plane - a preventi… more »

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