When you are dealing with a person who operates on a day to day basis almost like a caricature of a real human being, the jokes tend to write themselves…
Robin Hood? Total loser. Criminal. Should be jailed. Worst economic plan ever! Helping the poor for free? I'll prosecute. #TrumpBookReports
— All Hallows Kitten (@GenXMedia) October 20, 2016
Frankly, Jesus was a disaster – I prefer saviors who don't get crucified. And Pontius Pilate was a very strong leader. #TrumpBookReports
— Vishal Misra (@vishalmisra) October 20, 2016
Charlie wins chocolate factory. It was rigged, folks. Believe me #TrumpBookReports
— ladycheff (@galbaseballgeek) October 20, 2016
Catch 22? I coulda caught a lot more, let me tell ya folks. 40 at least, believe me. Hillary hasn't caught a thing – sad! #TrumpBookReports
— sebcharrot (@sebcharrot) October 20, 2016
Let me tell you, I'm going to make expectations great again. We used to have great expectations. The best! Not any more. #TrumpBookReports
— Beth Gibson (@MissBethGibson) October 20, 2016
Scarlett O'Hara. Such a nasty woman. Awful that the South lost. They were robbed! #trumpbookreports
— Alexandra Petri (@petridishes) October 20, 2016
Is Moby Dick small? I guarantee you there's no problem. I guarantee. #TrumpBookReports
— Rebecca Cohen (@GynoStar) October 20, 2016