Kraft sponsorship of the 2006 Gay Games

by Graham Email

Kraft is coming under a lot of pressure from "Family values" pressure groups to discontinue its sponsorship of this event.
I weighed in with my own message to Kraft. Here it is:

I understand that Kraft has agreed to be a sponsor for the 2006 Gay Games.
I also understand that a number of political and religious pressure groups, including the American Family Association, are running campaigns to apply pressure on Kraft to withdraw from this sponsorship.
I urge you to resist this pressure. The American Family Association seeks by its campaign and other campaigns to abridge the civil rights of gay Americans. This campaign is part of an attempt to undermine the ongoing efforts to eliminate discrimination against Americans based on their sexual orientation.
Their campaign is bigoted, mean-spirited and fundamentally un-American. Many of the people who founded the modern United States were escaping from persecution for their beliefs elsewhere in the world.
If Kraft capitulates to this pressure campaign from the AFA and other organizations, you will be sending the message to consumers that you are acquiescing in the continuation of attitudes that are fundamentally discriminatory.
I urge you to resist narrow-minded pressure of this kind, and continue to sponsor the Gay Games. This sponsorship is not good because it is commercially expedient. It is good because it is fundamentally right. It is in alignment with the best values of the United States.