A Sobering review of focus group attitudes to the Democratic party

by Graham Email

Link: http://www.democracycorps.com/focus/Democracy_Corps_August_2005_Focus_Group_Report.pdf

This report, just issued, shows the challenge that the Democratic Party faces in appealing to current Republican voters. Clearly, the Republicans have been extremely successful in causing a large number of voters to self-identify with the Republican Party at voting time, even when this is demonstrably against their self-interest.
For me, the most depressing feature of the report is how it shows that lower levels of educational attainment make people more vulnerable to appeals for support based on the idea that somehow Republicans are on the side of "God" and "morality" and Democrats are on the side of "Godlessness" and "immorality". The big challenge for the Democrats will be to break out of that frame and focus instead on the big ideas of social justice and personal freedom that have always been there, but which have been downplayed and marginalized as the party moved to the center in the 1990's.