New Hampshire doctor in trouble...

by Graham Email


...for having the temerity to inform one of his patients that she was obese. Dr. Terry Bennett has been cnesured by a New Hampshire medical board and effectively ordered him to admit that he erred. He has declined to do so. The episode is explored in an interview that Keith Olbermann of MSNBC carried out with Dr. Bennett a couple of days ago.
This is pretty ridiculous. Nobody forces anybody to stay with a primary care physician. If you don't like your PCP, you can effectively fire them by switching to a different doctor. If Dr. Bennett's patient was so offended by what appears to have been a factual statement, then she had the perogative to switch doctors. Instead, she chose to try and make this into some mega-issue. My question: why? In a situation like this, you start to wonder what some people's motives really are.