A fool and his money are soon parted...

by Graham Email

Link: http://www.dallasobserver.com/Issues/2005-11-03/news/news.html

...and this old saying may be true for you if you allow yourself to be sucked into the investment pitch of radio hosts John Labunski and Cathy DeWitt. Together, the husband-and-wife team call themselves the Senior Advisory Group of Texas.
Labunski and DeWitt aren't certified financial planners. They're not even accountants; they're insurance agents. They don't take any callers on their show or answer questions from anybody. Instead, they are paying for airtime to broadcast what amounts to an hour-long sales pitch for "equity indexed annuities," a product to which Dow Jones' MarketWatch.com recently awarded the title of "Stupid Investment of the Week."
And, as this article in the Dallas Observer makes clear, Labunski and DeWitt appear to specialize in living high on the hog while skipping out on their prior financial obligations.
Time to remember the old Latin phrase of caveat emptor and also the Second Law of Capitalism:

If something looks too good to be true, it probably is.