Intelligent Design - 1 step forward, 1 step backward

by Graham Email

This week we have seen good and bad events in the struggle between proponents and opponents of treating Intelligent Design as science.
On the up side, 8 members of the Dover PA school board who were responsible for attempting to introduce ID into the school science curriculum via disclaimer language were voted out of office. We still have the outcome of the court case to look forward to also.
On the down side, the Kansas Board of Education voted 6-4 on Tuesday in Topeka 6-for changes in the state's science standards that alter the definition of science and are critical of evolution.
"alter the definition of Science?" It is good to know that a board of education considers it competent to alter the definition of science, a discipline which, the last time I looked, was being practiced all over the world, not just in Kansas. Now if they had only consulted the scientific community to make sure that they agreed with the new definition...wait a minute, they did consult with the scientists who told them not to do it, but they went and did it anyway.
The most bizarre part of the decision is this:

Abrams predicted the standards would become "a winning campaign issue" for the conservatives.
"It's not only good science, it's good for the election," Abrams said. "National polls tell us this is what the public wants."

Erm...I seem to recall that in the Middle Ages in England the majority of the public (supported by established churches) also believed that the Earth was the centre of the Universe. That viewpoint eventually became discredited after a few brave souls (I think they would be called scientists today) pointed out compelling evidence to the contrary.
The quote is dangerous horseshit. The basis of science and scientific fact cannot be determined by a popular vote. Do these people live in the 21st Century or are they attempting to reprise the Middle Ages, American-style?

On second thoughts...
I and my friends here propose to amend the definition of debt to change its mathematical signing rules. Henceforth all liabilities on my personal balance sheet are assets. I will also be running for elective office on a platform to change the law to this effect. Anybody want to vote for me?

While we're reprising this issue, here is an excellent demolition job on the pile of cack known as Intelligent Design...