Now that Proposition 2 was passed...

by Graham Email


...I think it is time that we enacted bans on other unBiblical activities for the sake of consistency. This opinion piece from Fort Bend Now explains:

I am so thrilled that Proposition 2 passed and brings in to law a ban on gay marriage. I very much look forward to the other bans that will soon be added to our Texas Constitution.
Soon all extramarital affairs will be banned by our Constitution. After all, God made Adam and Eve to be married, and did not intend for spouses to have mistresses on the side. I am pretty sure this goes on, maybe even with some of our politicians. I wonder why they have never enacted a constitutional ban about this? And while we’re at it maybe we should use the Biblical form of punishment for those caught in adultery. Let’s just stone them all to death.
Soon we will no longer have to put up with those pesky interracial marriages. In Biblical times it was against God’s law for people to marry outside their faith, race or culture. Once we enact the new law, we will have no more Hispanics marrying Africans Americans or Asians marrying Whites. And certainly there will be no Christians marrying Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Atheists or other. It is better that we all keep to our own kind, right? Certainly we don’t find strength in diversity, do we?
While I am thinking about it, it was not Biblical for women to read the Bible, work outside the home or to vote. I guess soon those things will stop too, because I know our government is very concerned with keeping things Biblical. I suppose we will all soon be working 6 days a week with only one day a week to rest.
I know these laws will soon be passed because those acts, like homosexuality, are unbiblical. And, if they aren’t passed very soon, then our legislature, and our voters, would simply be discriminating against homosexuals because they can’t deal with the thought of other people being different from them. And I’m sure that can’t be the case with the intelligent people of this great state. Or maybe…just maybe, should we quit mixing politics and religion and let the two be separate the way the Founding Fathers meant them to be?

Beth Armstrong
Missouri City