I received a nice response from the Kane County Tourist Office...

by Graham Email

...telling me that they are attempting to have this ordinance repealed, and reminding me that everybody is welcome in Kane County.
I am showing their email, with my response.


Thanks for your note and I understand your frustration with the Natural Family proclamation.
Many in the town agree with you and are trying to reverse this action.

I hope you will reconsider your plans to skip a visit here next year.
A number of people work hard to make Kane County a nice place to visit and I hope you won't hold them responsible for the City's decision.

The world is officially welcome in Kane County,

Cowboy Ted Hallisey
Executive Director
Kane County Office of Tourism
P.O. Box 209
Kanab, Utah 84741

Here is my response:

Thanks for the honest and positive response. I do appreciate the efforts that are going on to unwind this attempt to move the local value system back beyond the 19th Century. I think some folks need to go back and read the Declaration of Independence and the preamble to the US Constitution, and fully absorb the meanings of phrases such as "all men are created equal", and "life liberty and the pursuit of happiness".
It is up to local people to remember the famous quote "for evil to triumph it is only necessary for good men to do nothing". A beautiful part of the USA is in danger of being converted to a backwaters laughing-stock zone by the actions of mean-spirited theocrats.


Graham Shevlin