If you tried to interest somebody in this as a fiction story...

by Graham Email

Link: http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2007/1/5/141347/9724

....they would probably not believe you...read this and weep. The guy appears to have done everything in his power to get arrested...only to discover that the "outstanding warrant" was a clerical error from...irony of ironies...1984.
What really worries me about this whole incident (leaving aside the reality that since all bureaucratic systems contain errors, other folks are likely to encounter the same problem in the future), is that any sensible terrorist organization is not going to utilize any individual who is not "squeaky clean", since even a traffic ticket could lead to that individual being caught in an enforcement or investigative dragnet. If there are any "real" terrorists in the USA right now, I am pretty sure that they do not appear in any list of infractions anywhere, which means that these sort of cross-departmental information exchanges will prove to be ineffective at preventing terrorist attacks. Which leads me to my tentative conclusion from living in the UK (where the IRA operated in the past): you cannot hope to prevent operating terrorists from committing an outrage, because in order to do so, law enforcement and intelligence has to be right 100% of the time. The terrorists only have to do something right once. The proper solution is to address the underlying causes of terrorism. However, that is difficult to do when those causes cannot be fixed in a single election cycle (they can't, usually because the causes were a long time in the making).
This sort of bureaucratically-based investigation is not a cost-effective or useful way of preventing any sort of terrorist activity. Using a metaphor, people need to stop clinging to these sorts of life-rafts, and start looking at root causes and how to address them. That requires electors to start asking awkward questions of their elected representatives along the lines of "what is the strategy?" and "why are you authorising the expenditure of money on getting people to take their shoes off in airports?". Until the electorate starts demanding proper strategic actions from politicians, instead of "look! we did something" knee-jerk tactics, cross-checking drivers license renewals has nothing to do with prevention of terrorism.