Tim Hardaway

by Graham Email

Link: http://myespn.go.com/conversation/story?id=2766213

...who I have to confess I have never heard of until today, informed a TV channel that he hates gay people. (Hardaway is a retired NBA player). He stuck to his remarks even after being challenged on them by his interviewer. Strangely, he has since disavowed the remarks, for reasons that are not clear.
The article on this incident in ESPN contains a large number of comments. Sadly, from reading the last 50 or so of the comments, it appears that a significant number of the commenters appear to be suffering from various combinations of the following:
(a) they have no understanding of science, biology or sexuality
(b) they appear to be graduates of a Bible Quote-mining school somewhere (they like the bits in the Old Testament about homosexuality being an abomination, but they appear to be less concerned about the idea of adultery being punished by death, or being able to sell other family members into slavery)
(c) They cannot assemble an argument of any sort that contains more than a tenuous resemblance to fact or truth

Reading the comments was a depressing experience...if this level of reasoning and intellectual acuity is representative of the electorate in the USA, it does not bode well for the future of representative democracy as we know it. Many of the commenters, on the evidence of their comments, are intellectually stunted.
For the record, I have no problem with Tim Hardaway expressing an opinion. I do have a problem with why he should consider that anybody else should be interested in his opinion on this topic in the first place. Other people's sexuality (if kept private and not directed towards him) is none of his damned business. He also needs to pause for thought and remember that he is a member (by birth, not by choice) of the African-American community, which has suffered greatly from arbitrary discrimination in the past. He therefore needs to appreciate the fundamental paradox (some people might call it hypocrisy) of him uttering impertinent and intolerant comments about another group in society who have themselves been the victims of discrimination and hatred.