The Myth of the Ten Commandments

by Graham Email

With increasing agitation from hard-core Christian conservatives for the display of the Ten Commandments in public places (witness Judge Roy Moore's Don Quixote-like campaign to display them in his courtroom building), it is time to note that what people today refer to as "the Ten Commandments" are in reality some way removed from the original commandments communicated to the Israelites by God via his representatives, as documented in the Old Testament. This article on BeliefNet explains some of the complexities that usually get completely ignored in the debate.
Mush of the debate here in the USA currently centers on whether the Ten Commandments should be displayed in public places (as per Judge Roy Moor's failed campaign). However, there have been suggestions and attempts to have the Ten Commandments also included in US law. This article in FindLaw from 2003 explains rather cogently why the attempts to enshrine the Ten Commandments into US law are misguided and not rooted in any historical reality.