The MSM as sycophants: CNN and John McCain

by Graham Email

A few days ago, John King of CNN interviewed John McCain and did not exactly fall over himself to press McCain in any significant way on any of the main issues of the day.
Glenn Greenwald at Salon not only printed the interview transcript, but also pointed out that this seemed to be part of a broader media phenomenon of extreme deference to McCain.
Now John King himself has responded to Greenwald. Unfortunately, as this article shows, his response merely demonstrates that he is both pompous and thin-skinned, with a towering sense of his own importance.
Sometimes it is all too easy to reach the conclusion that the mainstream media in the USA is suffering from some form of collective narcolepsy. Responses like the juvenile email written by King to Greenwald re-inforce the sense that not only does the media have no ability to offer insight into current events; it is actively and childishly hostile to people who try to offer insight and who have the temerity (gasp!) to point out their lack of capability at providing insight.
Memo to John King: knock off the pompous, injured whining and start doing what you are presumably paid handsomely to do. Until then, emails like the one you sent to Glenn Greenwald will merely reinforce the notion that you are not entitled to call yourself either an adult or a journalist.