The wonders and bizarreness of internet dating

by Graham Email

Since my marriage broke up about 18 months ago, I have been engaging with the world of internet dating. There are a number of great advantages to internet dating, the main one being that you can engage in pre-screening of people to ensure that you do not end up meeting with somebody who is unsuitable for you.
There are some disadvantages too. While I have yet to meet with somebody who was totally different to what they claimed, I have met with at least one person that seemed to be on the take, with no idea that interactions between adults usually involve some level of reciprocity.
The main source of amusement and frustration with internet dating is wading through profiles. This is interesting on several levels in what it shows:

1. A very significant percentage of people on these dating sites and forums could not assemble a cogent, coherent collection of sentences if their lives depended on it. Spelling mistakes and poor grammar are everywhere. Sometimes you can infer that the problem originates from the fact that the author's first language is not English, but most people would appear to have no such excuse. I intend to publish some of the most egregious examples in future postings.
2. A very large percentage of women (particularly on mainstream dating sites) create profiles that are largely composed of "fluff" - full of cliches and platitudes about how wonderful they are, how they love family and animals, help old ladies across the road etc. etc. The problem with verbiage like this is that it (a) tells you nothing about the person, and (b) does not differentiate them in any way from the umpteen thousand other profiles out there. I read these profiles and end up thinking "you have told me nothing about yourself".
3. Many people lecture and shout at would-be-suitors. Clearly at some point they had a bad dating experience, and now they are trying to engage in pre-selection. However, when I see a profile written in all caps containing phrases like "NO DEADBEATS, LIBERALS OR TIME-WASTERS", I immediately conclude that this person is determined to never get another date via the internet. They badly need some exposure to the contents of Marketing 101.

Anyway, I will be writing more about this wonderful world in the future.