Politician shock

by Graham Email

Ed Brayton uncovers an exchange between Anderson Cooper and Rep. Debbie Riddle, which is notable for the shock, followed by deployment of BS, when Cooper demands some evidence from Rep. Riddle for her repetition of the "terror babies" claim also advanced by another idiotic Texas politician, Rep. Louis Goehmert. Riddle's response to a challenge is priceless for it's utter chutzpah:

When your folks called me in the preliminary, that was part of the conversation. They did not tell me that you were going to grill me for this specific information that I was not ready to give to you tonight. They did not tell me that, sir.

Well, I would give the woman a couple of points for honesty...but my indulgence stops there. She marches onto network television to make a claim, and is not in possession of any evidence that she can present to back up the claim?
I guess I am amazed by her sheer chutzpah in showing up with nothing other than an empty slogan, but also by her working assumption that she would not be challenged on the slogan, which in itself tells you a lot about how far the media has fallen in presumed capability. For me, this is yet more evidence that the USA is becoming a zero-accountability society.