The Amazon idiocy over WikiLeaks was the second time that Amazon have behaved like jerks in 2010

by Graham Email


You would think that one attack of idiocy in a year ought to be enough for a major online retailer like Amazon.
Alas, no.
Before their recent decision to stop supporting WikiLeaks servers on their cloud infrastructure for stated reasons that are, quite simply, nothing more than implausible BS, for which I made the decision to stop buying from them (I already had one order in the system that I could not cancel, but That Is It - Amazon is not going to get a cent from me from now on), Amazon also got into a spat in January 2010 with MacMillan that led them to suddenly de-list from its store all books published by MacMillan, which, the last time I looked, was a pretty damn big book publisher. The stand-off is explained here.
Suffice it to say that when a leading Sci-Fi author named Charlie Stross announces that Amazon can go take a hike, you can be sure that authors are beyond pissed-off.
Amazon needs to wise up. They are starting to behave like the record industry, who have been simultaneously screwing recording artists and suing their own customers for 15 years, and we know how that is working out...