Monday Round-Up

by Graham Email

Wells Fargo gets castigated for bad behavior and fined $3+m over property repossessions. Our mortgage was sold to Wells Fargo some time ago, so we may be adhering to the old Chinese saying "keep your friends close and your enemies closer".
Commenter c u n d Gulag at Lawyers Guns and Money hits the nail on the head with respect to the way that conservative authoritarians bolster their positions:

I love how, when Conservatives try to use some sort of supporting material, they turn not to independent sources, which might contradict what they have to say, but to books and studies by other Conservative individuals, organizations, and think tanks.

He is right...whenever I ask Birthers to come up with some, you know, evidence to support their assertions, I am deluged with references to World Net Daily, cut-and-paste home video efforts on YouTube, and a whole bunch of other conspiracy theory echo-chamber sites. Even more amusingly, some of the video material is sourced from people who created their materials as parody or satire - one thing I have learned over the years is that authoritarians usually have defective or missing fact-checkers and irony meters. My worst day was when I had to follow a link to Conservapedia, which is Internet proof that some people not only want to live in a different reality, but they are prepared to expend a lot of energy documenting it. J.R. Tolkein, eat your heart out...