Shooting Fish In A Barrel 102 - Mississippi Democratic Party response to Orly Taitz

by Graham Email

Background: California dentist-lawyer Orly Taitz filed a series of motions in Mississippi seeking to have Barack Obama disqualified from entering the Democratic Party primary election in 2012. That election is long since passed, but Taitz is still trying to have Obama retrospectively disqualified, and, in her latest filings, even accused the Mississippi Democratic Party of felonies under the RICO anti-racketeering laws.
The Mississippi Democratic Party has now filed a Motion To Dismiss against the filings by Taitz. It can be found here for your leisure reading. Suffice it to say that the Motion to Dismiss cites no fewer than twelve (12) arguments in favor of dismissal, all crisply laid out. It even attaches the certified copy of Obaham's Long Form Birth Certificate (you know, the one that the birthers claim either does not exist or is forged) as supporting evidence.
My only surprise is that they are only requesting dismissal with prejudice, and not asking for monetary sanctions or attorney's fees.