Tuesday Round-up

by Graham Email

1. Public Figure v. Photographers
Note to Alex Baldwin - you cannot win if you go after photographers in public. Your fans may be on your side, but the law is not on your side. You have no expectation of privacy in public, that's what "public" means. If you don't want to be a celebrity then retire from acting and do something else. You get paid a lot of money for being an actor, and with that comes the downside - being a public figure; dealing with intrusions comes with the territory.
2. Just Because You Can Doesn't Mean That You Should #2
Ronan Farrow, the son of Woody Allen and Mia Farrow, felt it necessary to slam his estranged father on Twitter on Father's Day. This seems to me to be a classic example of the old saying "it is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool". Ronan Farrow's public profile has instantly morphed from "earnest young man" into "bitter immature twerp". Washing your family's dirty linen in public is never a good idea, and as for doing it on Twitter...holy smokes Batman! The guy was either not thinking, or his thought processes are scrambled.