In case you hadn't noticed that the USA is a polarized country...#2

by Graham Email

Every so often these days I come across a commenter on the internet whose sheer stupidity and vacuuousness causes me to mouth "WTF?" on reading their nonsensical witterings.
Step forward Huffington Post commenter Sharonwillis47, commenting on an article highlighting a downturn in buisness performance of the holding company for Olive Garden and Red Lobster:

they'll just fire a lot of middle management, close the ones which aren't highly profitable, wait for obama to get the boot in Nov. and expand again when the economy recovers. People always cut back on eating out in bad times. Once obamacare and obama are gone things will begin to improve.

"Once Obamacare and Obama are gone" the hell does this person think that there is any correlation between the performance of a restaurant chain and the Affordable Care Act (NOTE to partisan wankers - that is the real name of the Act. Do yourselves a favor and stop speaking in moronic slogans).
The sheer idiocy of that sentence just leaps out at me. Sharonwillis47 wins my newly instituted Commenting Wankery Award Of The Day. Actually, a review of this person's comments shows that they are wasting bandwidth on a much larger scale than this one comment.