Censorious Bigoted Twit round-up - 28th June 2012

by Graham Email

1. Eugene Delgaudio and a smear campaign breaking copyright law in Colorado
Regular readers of this blog may have read some of my comments about Eugene Delgaudio in the past. He is a censorious, bigoted hack who sends fear-mongering emails to a list of people whose names he harvests from literally anywhere, as part of a fund-raising process for a PAC that he owns and manages. In my case, he obtained my name from a comment that I left on PZ Myers' blog Pharyngula, and began sending me his apocalyptic screeds every couple of months. I regard them as fun reading for a slow evening, they are below risible.
However, Delgaudio appears to now be up to his tiny little neck in an odious example of a political smear campaign, that not only involves bullshit and deceit, but also involves the use of a picture of two gay men without their permission and the permission of the photographer. It appears that Delgaudio, despite his disingenuous denials, has morphed from being a gadfly into a totally reprehensible sleazeball. I sincerely hope that he gets taken to the cleaners by the court system.

2. The out of control Seattle Police Department
Philip Mocek, who has been doing a lot of good work tracking abuse of police power across the USA, but especially during the Occupy protests, entered what has to be the most surreal Tweet I have ever seen:

Our @SeattlePD told court that cop's threat to "beat the fucking Mexican piss" out of man was to control, not to offend

Well, OK, that's all right then...well no it isn't. Who are these out of control fascistic thugs?