The fine art of ridicule

by Graham Email

There comes a point, when faced with a certain level of finely-honed idiocy masquerading as an argument, where one decides that the whole proposition is ridiculous.
At that point, ridicule, by definition, becomes an acceptable response.
The author of this blog passed his or her "keep quiet and hope the idiocy goes away" threshold some time ago, so every two to three days, they summarize, in a journalistically correct but nonetheless pointed way, the latest happenings in the weird world of the "birthers", the collection of cranks, conspiracy theorists, sovereign citizens and other individuals who believe that President Obama is not eligible to be POTUS, not eligible to be American, not born in the USA, not born on planet Earth etc. etc. Those of us who have invested time in examining the "birthers" have discovered that they are not a monolithic group of individuals, and they routinely change their viewpoints dependning on what day of the week it is, or what piece of news they have just received about the POTUS. In short, their views are often incoherent, and every so often the mask slips in their writings, and the clear signs of racism show through.
Here is today's summary. As always, I enjoy drinking a large mug of tea and reading some well-deserved ridicule.