Monday Round-Up - 16th July 2012

by Graham Email

1. Just because you can do something doesn't mean that you should - #1
Local council pulls plug on Springsteen - McCartney encores at London concert.
2. Free speech? Not if you upset minor local dignitaries in the UK...
In which local Bexley blogger Ollie C is arrested, and charged with dangerous sounding offenses...for some swearing and fulmination about the local Bexley council. This does not set a good example for free speech. Ollie looks to be a bit of a hothead, judging by some of his pronouncements, however, it seems that it is more important that he is silenced, rather than having his concerns addressed. I find the emphasis on censorious nitwittery to be telling.
3. The Indian definition of "whisky"...
This article explains how most domestic whisky sold in India is nothing like even a grain is kind of a whisky-flavored rum.
4. Oldie but goodie - life working as a car salesman
From, a good article from 2001 about the weird and often dysfunctional business of selling cars.