Friday Round-up - 20th July 2012

by Graham Email

1. The Colorado Cinema Massacre and the attempts to condemn the ideology of the shooter
Every time an uninged person walks into a public or semi-public area in the USA and shoots a bunch of innocent people, the first thing that happens these days is an outbreak of media investigation into everything known about the shooter. The second thing that happens is the pinning of an ideological label on the shooter. This is usually done by people with base motives like ensuring that the shooter is identified as a member of their opponents, thus allowing them to (a) feel superior and vindicated in their worldview and (b) to cause problems for their opponents.
This is also the same shtick being utilized by individuals. Lo and behold, I open my Facebook and I find this heap of fallacious nonsense on a friend's wall (name redacted to protect the identity of the poster) posted in response to her justified exclamation of amazement at the tragedy:

YYYY This is what happens without the Fear of God in your life
4 hours ago · Like
Graham Shevlin Do you have any evidence to support that statement? You know for a fact that the shooter was not a monotheistic Christian?
about an hour ago · Like
YYYY Could a true Christian shoot innocent people? Time to study your theology Graham.
about an hour ago via mobile · Like
Graham Shevlin You are missing my question. Go back and read what I wrote.
46 minutes ago · Like
Graham Shevlin You are also trying the "No True Scotsman" fallacy. See

At time of writing, this exchange is probably not complete, but I can bet a sum of money that the poster considers themselves to be a True Christian and is assuming (or hoping) that the shooter is not a True Christian. They will, according to the No True Scotsman fallacy, move the goal posts as necessary to ensure that their initial conclusion is always valid.
This is the sort of poorly-argued claptrap that I just love to take to pieces. It is probably about on the same level as the chain emails that I used to get from authoritarian acquaintances, which I stopped by the simple expedient of demolishing and sending back to them. I realized some time ago that chain letters function as a form of "in group" mutual affirmation device, so if you dissent, they stop sending them, which is exactly the outcome that I wanted.

2. The McCarthy era, and the failure of the USA to learn from it
Just when I thought that Jim Wright had gone quiet, he returns with this brilliant evisceration of McCarthyism then and now. The article correctly points out the parallels between the McCarthy era, led by a serial liar and bullshitter, and the (almost) identical piles of bullcrap being spouted by the likes of Rep. Michele Bachmann and Rep. Allen West.
UPDATE - And, just to prove that she is either a pathological liar, or an attention whore, or both, Michele Bachmann doubles down on the stupid.

3. Critical Thinking Deficit demonstration - Whooping cough article

If you wanted a microcosm of the disturbing correlation between lack of scientific understanding and ability to construct an argument when compared to the willingness to write about a subject, take a look at this article and then the comments, about a disturbing upward trend in cases of whooping cough. I tried counting the idiotic comments, but it is truly pointless. The Stupid, It Hurts.

4. Political Staffer tweets racist crap, found out, scrubs tweets, issues non-apology
See the story here. The staffer's response appears to not include the words "I am sorry" which I was always taught were essential components of an apology. What a weasel.