Round-Up - 27th July

by Graham Email

1. Free Speech victories in the courts in the US and the UK
From Ken over at Popehat. Note the utter bloviating idiocy of Chris Watson (whoever he may be). The guy wins my Wanker Of The Day award by a country mile.

2. The Aurora CO Shooting
Two superb posts by Jim Wright over at Stonekettle station about the utterly predictable reactions that occur every time one of these outrages occurs. Here and Here.

3. The "Obama is ineligible because I say so" guys are at it again
Gordon Epperly, who previously tried to have Barack Obama ruled ineligible for the Presidency because according to him, he is a mulatto (I kid you not), has now filed another complaint seeking to have Obama removed from the ballot in Alaska. Given that Epperly is not a lawyer, and is representing himself (and it shows) I expect this to get short shrift from the legal system. The people filing these complaints do not seem to understand the meaning of fundamental legal concepts like standing, evidence and argument. Just for grins, I waded into the comments at the article, and I have already been called a liar by one aggrieved commenter. The first time this year. I must be losing my touch.