Wednesday Round-Up - 22nd August 2012

by Graham Email

1. How to Make Yourself Look like a censorious Jerk - Prague High School superintendent
In which Kaitlin Nootbaar is denied her diploma document after she uses the word "Hell" in her valedictorian speech at Prague High School in Oklahoma. The school superintendent doubles down, and becomes an asshat, demanding an apology before they will give her the diploma. Not only is he not going to get an apology, but as this article makes clear, Kaitlin has already moved on.This is not going to end well for the school or the superintendent. Prague High School's Google ranking is going to be entirely driven by an incident where the Superintendent started out by behaving like a censorious nitwit, and then proceeded to dig himself into a hole. If the school is unlucky, a court may end up ordering them to hand over the diploma anyway, which will almost certainly cost the school money that ideally would go into, you know, education.

2. The Eurozone crisis - Iceland
Lost in the more recent perpetual news cycle of Greece, its indebtedness and its desperate attempts to borrow enough money to stave off an exit from the Euro is any examination of the first country to fall into a debt trap - Iceland. While Ireland and Greece took the approach of falling on their swords and agreeing to pay creditors, even at the risk of being indebted for decades, Iceland took a more robust approach to both personal and corporate debt. I expect Iceland to do a lot better in the medium term than either Ireland or Greece.

3. Lubbock County Judge suffers attack of wackadoodle asshattery
Given the extreme antipathy that many people in Texas have to any form of taxation, proposing a tax increase of any kind, particularly out in the countryside, requires some seriously creative rationalization. Step forward County Judge Tom Head. He has a fine reason for asking for a tax increase. Specifically, the money from the tax increase is to be used to oppose President Obama if he is re-elected for a second term:

"He's going to try to hand over the sovereignty of the United States to the UN, and what is going to happen when that happens?," Head asked.

You can read the short version of Judge Head's bizarre doomsday scenario here. Suffice it to say that he has swallowed, hook line and sinker, a falsehood that has been circulating among conspiracy theorists for years. This guy needs to be tossed from office, if only because he has demonstrated that he has no clue about how to tell fact from fiction. I don't think you can seriously claim to be qualified for judicial office if you cannot make that rather important distinction when fed information.
UPDATE - Perhaps realizing that he sounded like a complete wackadoodle, Judge Head has been busy clarifying his remarks.