post Sandy Hook - POTUS proposals and initial reactions

by Graham Email

The Obama administration has published its list of proposals following the Sandy Hook tragedy.
As I feared, a lot of the proposals, while sounding plausible, are not likely to address some fundamental challenges. They tend to read like typical "something must be done so we're doing it" responses. This is a fairly common trap that societies fall into whenever they are touched by tragedy or disaster. Some of the solutions that are rapidly implemented either fail to address underlying causes, or follow the Law Of Unintended Consequences (think: PATRIOT Act). Jim Wright has written extensively about some of the underlying societal challenges in his "Bang Bang Crazy" series of articles.
However, the reactions to the proposals from some ideological opponents are also below risible. The statement by the NRA that what is neeed in response is "The Fight Of The Century" is hyperbolic wankery. This is a political and societal policy debate, not a war. The NRA needs to grow up, or they will complete their marginalization sooner than they think. There are 100+ million gun owners in the USA, yet by even the most generous estimates, they have 4.5 million members. They represent only a small minority of firearms owners.
Rick Perry's statement is also pure political grandstanding and wankery. This suggestion that more prayer or religion would help is, like most of the words that leave his office, merely an exercise in pandering to religious certitude that when all else fails, prayer will somehow help (I seem to recall him suggesting the same to combat drought. How did that work out Rick?) The press release reads like a tour of GOP boogeyman checklists. (Mention "liberals"- check. Mention "left-leaning media"? - check. etc. etc.)
There is plenty of room for a serious considered debate about what might work as a response to Sandy Hook, but horseshit like this doesn't cut it.