Big Bend area and the sad demise of Blue Mountain Vineyard

by Graham Email

When Marsha and I visited Big Bend in 2004, we spent several excellent evenings dining out in Fort Davis, with our dinners supplemented by excellent wines from Blue Mountain vineyard. We brought a bunch of bottles back, long since drunk with friends.
I was discussing Texas red wines with a lady friend online this evening and she asked about recommendations. I started to tell her about Blue Mountain, but then I decided to look it up again.
Sadly, what I discovered is that Blue Mountain vineyard ceased operations in 2006. The cause of its demise seems to have been Pierce's Disease, an affliction that slowly kills most vines derived from Vitis Vinifera stock. The vineyard is up for sale, and most of the vines are dead or growing badly and wild. A sad discovery. I shall have to look for alternative Texas red wines.