A microcosm of bitterness and resentment in one Facebook posting

by Graham Email

I found this on my Facebook wall from somebody who is a GOP supporter, in response to the campaign for compulsory firearms registration.

Well the astronaut, Gabbie's husband, says it only takes five minutes to register. Its not the registration it what they do with the info. How stupid do they think we are? Well most of us are not stupid but we are not in charge at the moment.

Let's pull this apart and look at it in more detail.

"The astronaut, Gabbie's husband"...a clssic sneer. Rule 1 of demonizing people or groups who you don't like is to attempt to de-humanize them. In this case, the writer did it by sneeringly referring to "the astronaut..." instead of Dr. Mark Kelly. This approach is identical to the way in which opponents refer to the PPACA, which in it's early days morphed into "ObamaCare". It was also used by opponents of George W. Bush who referred to his administration as "BushCo".

"It's not the registration it's what they do with the info. How stupid do they think we are?". This is the deployment of the #1 logical fallacy used by all fearful gun owners in the modern USA - the Slippery Slope Fallacy. There is a total conviction that any regulations or laws passed to regulate gun ownership are simply part of a conspiracy to gradually, inexorably deny residents of the USA the right to personal firearms ownership.
Individual statements by campaigners and politicians in favour of greater regulation of firearms do not meet the definition of a conspiracy. I have seen no compelling evidence produced by any representatives of gun owners for years, simply a clarion cry of "beware - they're coming for our guns!". (Or, more recently, "Obama is coming for our guns!"). When I can be shown compelling evidence of a conspiracy to abridge private firearms ownership in the USA I will be more inclined to take panic whistles like this seriously.
In response to the rhetorical "how stupid do they think we are", I think my response would be "I don't know who "they" is, but I certainly can't take this panic whistle seriously, since you have provided no evidence to support it".

"...but we are not in charge at the moment". This encapsulates quite neatly the whole "winner take all" mentality of authoritarians. Either you are "in charge" or "the enemy" is in charge. It is not coincidental that the US system of governance was defined in a way that is designed to make it difficult for a majority to tyrannize the minority. The Founders had escaped from capricious and colonial subjugation, knew it all too well, and wanted to guard against a Tyranny Of The Majority in the new USA. It is worth remembering that elected representatives are elected to represent all of the electors, not just the ones that voted for them. Politics should not about Us vs. Them, and the US governance system is not supposed to be operated on a "to the winner, the spoils" basis.