Monday Roundup - 13th January 2014

by Graham Email

1. Is Snopes biased?
One of the common memes among GOP partisans and authoritarians is that is inaccurate or untrustworthy, and that it has been (or is being) funded by George Soros, who occupies the same role in the boogeyman universe for regressive partisans that the Koch Brothers occupy for progressive partisans.
I used to see lots of articles whining about Snopes in the 2009-2010 timeframe. However, when I looked at the wording, they almost always contained the same set of inline quotes, proving that one source article was being re-posted and quoted ad nauseam throughout the blogosphere. The allegations in that source article were non-specific, more like a cross between innuendo and propaganda.
Social psychologist Matt Moody took a detour a couple of years ago to examine one of the chain emails he was sent alleging that Snopes is untrustworthy, funded by George Soros etc. As you can see, by the time he had finished dismantling the email, there was not much left of it.

2. Out-of-wedlock births in the African-American community
There is a meme that out of wedlock births have increased in this community. Ta-Nehisi Coates, in this perceptive article, points out that simply plucking numbers out of a wider picture provides a distorted view about what has been happening in the last 30-40 years. The fixation with the out-of-wedlock issue is part of that peculiar tendency that humans have to invoke a "Golden Age" explanation for societal changes, comparing everything unfavorably to our imagined "Golden Age". You know, the one where the price of everything was reasonable, children respected their elders, there was next to no crime etc. etc.
One commenter makes a good point also; there are plenty of distant and absentee parents even in married supposedly functional households. Writing as somebody who grew up with emotionally distant parents, I have some understanding of the possible downside.

3. Award acceptance speeches
I think that any acceptance speech that mentions the recipient's schoolteacher should result in an instant Smite by that person's deity. Not that I have anything against teachers (quite the contrary), I just know that this will be followed by an attempt to thank hundreds of other people by name.
BTW, I noticed that Emma Thompson once again threw away heeled shoes at an award ceremony (she previously did that at the Oscars after she won in 1992, walking into the after-show press conference barefoot).

4. The War On Christmas
Christmas is over and the War is over until...well...somebody tries to re-start it later this year. This analysis from a blog explains some of the myriad reasons why the War On Christmas is a meaningless piece of censorious strawman twaddle.

5. Political corruption, Wisconsin style
This posting over at Lawyers Guns and Money summarizes what I can only describe as one of the best examples I have ever read of blatant political corruption. The sheer cheek of the scheme meets all of the definitions I have ever read for "Chutzpah". As the blog comments also point out, this utterly mendacious piece of money-grubbing fuckwittery was also moved into the legislative queue in WI the same week that another politician decided it would be a good idea to allow people to work 7 days a week. My bullshit and irony meters are now wrapped around their end-stops...