Our experience with Mesquite Animal Shelter

by Graham Email

Written by Mary.
For those of you that live in or near Mesquite, you need to know your animal shelter is a KILL organization. Not knowing this, we went in there today to see if they had any kittens - they didn't. But, they did have about a dozen adults. We found one that we thought was interesting, and decided to get to know her. I opened the cage to pick her up and discovered she was pregnant! After some discussion we decided we wanted her. We would take her home and take good care of her until she had her kittens. They would then appear on a kitten cam for all to see, enjoy and watch grow. We would choose a couple to keep and find good homes for the others -should there be more than two.

After finding someone to talk to and finding out what was required for adoption, she went away to talk to someone and came back to get me - she said I needed to talk to someone. When I told the other people (5 women) that I wanted to adopt her, I was told I couldn't.

I was told rather sternly without any compassion or concern what so ever that they were required to spay/neuter all cats before they were adopted - no exceptions.

I told them that the reason we wanted her was that she was pregnant and we wanted to assure she and her kittens found a good home.

One lady said sternly, " NO, YOU'LL JUST TAKE HER AND THE KITTENS WILL END UP BACK HERE!" Another said you're not allowed to adopt a pregnant cat! "They will spay her and KILL her kittens before you can adopt her." Another said in a rather angry tone "there are too many cats out there." (clearly she was not a cat person!)

They were very stern, uncaring and except for one woman (the one that said she was the dog person and didn't know much about the cats), very rude.

Graham and I were both shocked and astounded and left very sad and upset. We decided to not adopt her because that was a certain death for the kittens. Her only hope was that she has the kittens before they got around to doing anything.

We continue our quest for the right kittens for us. When the time is right, the right kittens will find us.