Categories: Current Affairs, Legal Nonsense, Mainstream Media Narcolepsy, War on Christmas, Why my God is better than your God (or your non-God)

The kicks of would-be authoritarians

by Graham Email

This posting from Anonymous Liberal shows how perjorative accusations made by a government official are amplified via a process of megaphoning, despite attempts by more sensible people to inject reality into the debate. The accusations made against lawye… more »

One persistent theme of Western democracies

by Graham Email the deterioration in voter interest and participation in the electoral process, to the point that many electors appear to have a defective understanding of what exactly they are voting for or against. Here is an example where the voters of Michigan… more »

The passing of a person who called it as she saw it...

by Graham Email

Molly Ivins died today. For her entire journalistic career she aimed her journalistic pen at the ridiculous, the risible, the stupid and the pretentious. In short, she remained one of the few journalists in the modern USA prepared to speak the truth abo… more »

The phenomenon of not firing incompetent people

by Graham Email

One of the more puzzling aspects of corporate and governmental life is how incompetent people are seldom demoted or fired. Instead, they often get shipped to another position, as the leader of their current group seeks to make them somebody else's proble… more »

While the President and the GOP are busy claiming "The Right to Decide"...

by Graham Email

...and claiming that Congress and the Senate have no right to cut off funding for the Iraq occupation, they are also suffering an attack of grand amnesia. This little piece of research by Glenn Greenwald shows that 13 years ago, the Republican party wa… more »

Mass media standards and accuracy

by Graham Email

My friends and some of my work colleagues know by now that my opinion of the mass media in the USA has been steadily declining for years. The media appears to function simply as an uncritical conduit for political messages and press releases, and as a pl… more »

Best comment on Iraq thus far...

by Graham Email

I knew it would come from a satirist... more »

If you tried to interest somebody in this as a fiction story...

by Graham Email

....they would probably not believe this and weep. The guy appears to have done everything in his power to get arrested...only to discover that the "outstanding warrant" was a clerical error from...irony of ironies...1984. What really worries… more »

Impeachment - the practicalities

by Graham Email

An excellent article on Findlaw from John Dean which explains why any attempt to impeach the current President or Vice-President is unlikely to be the investigation process needs to focus on lower-level officials, who can also be impeache… more »

Another interview with John Perry Barlow from 2003

by Graham Email

...where. among other things, he eviscerates the Total Information Awareness project. more »

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