Category: Other Folks' Words

Finger In The Air (FITA) (n.)

by Graham Email

A time-honoured approach when faced with the requirement to assemble an estimate for a piece of work, which involves the raising of the index finger outside the building, which results (via an obscure process inside the cranium of the person owning the f… more »

Careericide (n.)

by Graham Email

See Career-Terminating Move. Thanks to Leanna from Indianapolis for this one. more »

Corporate Egoteric Publication (acr.)

by Graham Email

A book, usually written by a "ghost writer" at the bidding of the board of directors and/or the CEO, which purports to be a serious management book, but is in fact a combination of a hagiography of the corporation and the CEO, designed to portray the cor… more »

Career-Terminating Move (CTM) (acr.)

by Graham Email

A suggestion, decision or action, often initiated by an employee suffering from idealism or ECN, which is regarded as egregiously dangerous or stupid and which results in the employee leaving the corporation, either suddenly, or via exile. more »

Career-Limiting Move (CLM) (acr.)

by Graham Email

A suggestion, decision or action, often initiated by an employee suffering from idealism, that results in the employee's progress upward in the corporation being stoppped, and sometimes reversed. more »

Shoot The Messenger (acr).

by Graham Email

A practice, borrowed from the era of feudalism and absolute monarchy, whereby any lower-level employee who meets his/her professional obligation to communicate to senior leadership concerning negative events or anything that could be construed as "bad ne… more »