OMG Conference Report coming...

by Graham Email

I attended an OMG conference in Orlando, FL in March for 4 days. The theme of the conference was SOA, Web Services and Model Driven Architecture (MDA).
This was a very interesting conference for all sorts of reasons. It was not one of the "fill the aircraft hangar with attendees and pass out opera glasses to spot Bill Gates" conferences - there were no more than 100 people present at the busiest time, which made it more intimate and immediate. I got to meet a lot of interesting people, and had several interesting side conversations. I will be reporting on the events at this conference on a day-by-day basis over the next couple of weeks, and providing some commentary of my own on the current state of the MDA opportunity space (and this, folks, is a great opportunity space, which the industry has already had one failure in, with CASE in the 1990's).