The Wednesday Words

by Graham Email

From Eileen Shapiro's excellent book "Fad Surfing in the Boardroom", I offer this collection of Wednesday definitions for aspiring managers, leaders and sage observers of corporate life:

Accountability A characteristic of which everybody else in this organization needs far more. Not to be confused with Authority, which is what I need more of.

Bad News That which the other guy should tell.

Change 1: That which will not happen until the expected pain of of the old ways is perceived to be greater than the expected pain of the new ways; 2: For other people in the organization, something they need to get on with; 3: For oneself, something that needs Due Consideration.

Fact 1: Ammunition used to argue an already established position; 2: Pesky data that violates one's expectations or preferences but can usually be gotten rid of by lack of attention, temper tantrums, and other expressions of displeasure.

Grapevine An all-season perennial that cannot be killed and that grows stronger and more twisted with repeated prunings or attempts at uprooting; only known antidote is candour, which won't kill it but at least will keep it more accurate.