Wednesday Words

by Graham Email

More excellent definitions from Fad Surfing In The Boardroom:

Blame The living embodiment of the principle that it is indeed better to give than to receive.

Exogenous variables What got us into trouble. Not to be confused with management decisions.

Horizontal organization A way to rotate an organizational chart by ninety degrees and then pretend that hierarchy no longer exists once the chart lies on its side and people are organized around processes rather than tasks.

learning The unintended side-effect of failure.

mission statement 1: A short, specific statement of purpose, intended to serve as a loose musical score that motivates everybody to play the same tune without strict supervision
2: Frequently, an assertion of undying committment to some amalgam of "total quality", "low-cost producer", "empowered workforce", "people care", "excellence", "continuous improvement" and other bizbuz shibboleths that, althugh written for a specific organization, is equally applicable to an aircraft manufacturer, a software development organization, a community hospital, a department store chain, or the local dry cleaners
3: In some corporations, a talisman, hung in public places, to ward off evil spirits.

MSU (acronym) Make Stuff Up A commonly used technique for generating the data needed to prove one's point.

Office affair A romantic liaison between two co-workers thought to be secret by the two particpants and widely followed and discussed by everybody in the building.

Open environment A place where you can say anything you want as long as you don't rock the boat and where you can find out anything you want as long as you discover it by using the internal grapevine.

Opportunity 1: A favourable circumstance, conducive to progress or advancement
2: A euphemism, frequently used by consultants, marketing managers and aspiring vice-presidents, to describe a problem or a threat.

process check Politically correct way of saying "shut up" and otherwise retaining power to control the agenda of a working group (see hockey check).

Pro forma 1: Financial projections 2: A genre of fiction, composed primarily of numbers.

Quality 1: A rallying cry used by many, defined by few, and seldom the basis of thoughful discussion
2: (rarely) Superiority as defined by what a customer is prepared to pay for

Thank you The two most under-used words in management.

War A metaphor for business from the customer is unaccountably excluded.

Upward feedback Unless anonymous, an oxymoron

Sacred cow That which, whether right or wrong, cannot be challenged and therefore is the most threatening beast in the corporate jungle

LIFO (acronymn) Last In First Out 1: An accounting rule for valuing inventory and cost of goods sold 2: A management technique for identifying who will get laid off that avoids unpleasant judgements based on value to the company.