The Top 10 lies of corporate America

by Graham Email

...lifted from somebody commenting in Guy Kawaasaki's blog:

Top 10 Lies of Corporate America

1. Our employees are our greatest asset. (Until we can replace them with cheaper ones, offshoring that is).
2. We reward loyalty (Ha! You are but an old liability, with retirement benefits. Must destroy now).
3. HR is your friend. (HR is your mortal enemy, career-killer sandtraps, always be wary).
4. Teamwork, Mutual Respect, Trust, Empowerment, Risk Taking, Sense of Urgency, Commitment, Customer Satisfaction and Continuous Improvement. (Those are but slogans. Don't be so stupid as to actually honor our company values).
5. We are Family. Management and co-workers are your friends. (Just wait until a promotion is on the line, or a reorg happens).
6. Education and Skills are important. (The only skill that really matters is making your boss look good).
7. Our good financial performance. (Legal Fiction. Bad can be Good, Good can be bad. Bad is Good, Good is Bad, Bad is Good if said conditions are met. Good is Bad if said conditions are met. Never is Bad bad, nor Good good).
8. Honor our Company Mission Statement. (What, are you a fool? Every company has a hidden agenda, like the Company Values, it's all Marketing).
9. Feedback is welcomed. Our HR Employee survey wants to know your honest opinion, so as to better improve conditions. (Only from select prior-appointed people, and then it has to follow the agreed upon strategy. To quote the Clash, "You have the right to free speech as long as you're not dumb enough to actually try it").
10. FMLA. Work and Family balance. Great place to work for single Moms. (Dare try it and you are gone. Dontcha know it's just marketing? You stupid or something?).