I am currently in Seattle...

by Graham Email

...working on a leading-edge project for EDS. I will be on this project until the beginning of April. If you were to speculate that the project may involve a certain software company headquartered in Redmond, you might be right...but for me to confirm that speculation will also require me to shoot you.
I hope that the project will facilitate a major change in some of the ways in which we deliver solutions to our clients within EDS.
Beyond that, I can reveal little. I am going to blog about this project once I am allowed to, but that time is not now.
I am living in an apartment in Bellevue. This week I am in training, and next week I start the "real" work. I will be working 6 day weeks for most of the time, so my ability to get out to see the sights will be limited. However, this is likely to be a career-changing project, so I am not complaining.