Generational characteristics and leading/learning styles

by Graham Email


I got around to doing some reading one lunchtime this week about the differences between the active generations as defined by sociologists. The ones we all hear about are:

Silents              1930-1945
Baby Boomers         1945-1964
Generation X         1965-1980
Generation Y         1981-2000
Millenials           2000-present

I don't think we are about to see any Millenials in the workplace, except possibly on "Bring Your Child To Work" days...however, the other generations are out there. There are not many Silents, but they are still to be found, working away. Generation Y is making its way into the workplace.
Officially, according to this classification, I am a Baby Boomer, since I was born in 1955. However, when I read the defining characteristics of Baby Boomers and compare them to the other generational characteristics, it is not that simple...for example, although I still have trouble seeing the employer-employee relationship in purely transactional terms (a classic Baby Boomer characteristic), I have the love of music of a Generation X person, and the tech-savviness of a Generation Y person.
I guess this is a powerful personal illustration of the danger of "broad-brush" stereotypes. An alternative view is that, as a natural contrarian, I am like Groucho Marx, who famously said "I wouldn't join any club that would have me as a member"...