The Industry Conference kerfuffle...or how 2 people got fired

by Graham Email

See this story about an incident at a developer conference. Briefly, after two male developers were heard loudly making off-color sexist jokes, a woman admonished them, then named-and-shamed them on Twitter. Result: an Internet firestorm, and within days one of the developers was fired from his employer, and the woman was fired from her employer.
I have no firm views about the rights and wrongs of this situation, except that I believe that both employers behaved like a collection of weaselly cowards, showing no leadership whatsoever. I can, however, based on a reading of some of the comments across the internets, safely conclude that there are a lot of people out there with a very mean-spirited worldview and no damn clue about how to treat other human beings properly. There also seem to be a lot of people out there who are proving the wisdom of the old saying that Empty Vessels Make The Most Noise.